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Low Current Technician Jobs in Saudi Arabia

Latest job announcements

Job Title

Low Current Technician Jobs in Saudi Arab

General Information

A Low Current Technician is responsible for working with low voltage systems and handling various tasks related to installation, maintenance, repair, and configuration of these systems. The job of a Low Current Technician has been announced in Saudi Arabia, extending a great opportunity for individuals from Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh both who are already working in the Middle East, particularly in Saudi Arabia and new comers. This job does not require specific qualifications, but it is essential to have relevant experience in the field of low voltage electrical systems. If you possess experience in this area, it is highly recommended to apply for these positions.

On this page, you will find comprehensive information about the Low Current Technician jobs available in Saudi Arabia. The provided details include the number of vacancies, required qualifications, required experience, salary structures, commission opportunities, overtime policies, additional benefits, age limits, working hours, employment agreements, countries of employment, gender specifications, and the dates of posting and application deadlines. To apply for these jobs, please refer to the "how to apply" page, which contains detailed instructions and guidance on the application process. It is crucial to thoroughly read and understand the information provided on both pages before submitting your application. Take advantage of this excellent opportunity and submit your application well before the deadline.




Not required


Not mentioned In the ad.


2500 Saudi Riyal




Not specified in the advertisement

Not specified in the advertisement

Other Benefits

Residence,medical and transport facilities are provided by the company.

Age Limit

Not specified in the ad

Working Hours

Full time duty




Saudi Arabia


Saudi Arabia



Date of Post


Final Date of Application

6 June as per paper ad.