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110 Construction jobs in Romania

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Job Title

110 Construction jobs in Romania

General Information

Jobs in the construction field have been announced in Romania. There are jobs of mason, shuttering carpenter, number, welder and general labours. If you are interested to apply for the jobs in Romania then read this page carefully. Here we have given complete information regarding the job it salary, commission, facilities and all that you need to know about any job. And if you are interested to apply for the jobs then click on how to apply button. And if you want to create your CV to be presented in the office in the heart form or even to send it on email in the shop form then go to create your CV button on this page. Read the detail and apply when before the final date of application. 


110 construction Jobs have been announced in one of the famous countries of Europe Romania. The jobs of mason shuttering carpenter plumber, welder and general labour


No specific qualification has been mentioned in the newspaper ad. As per newspaper advertiser


The applicants must be experienced in the fields of construction work especially in the field they are going to apply


The detail of salary shall be as follows; mason 650 Euro, shuttering carpenter 650 Euro, plumber 650 Euro Kama welder 650 Euro, and general labour 650 Euro


As per job advertiser


Not exclusively specified in the newspaper ad as per job advertiser

Not exclusively specified in the newspaper ad as per job advertiser

Other Benefits

Other benefits shell include transportation Medical and residence from the company. Other benefits shall be given in accordance with the labour laws of Romania

Age Limit

No specification regarding the age limit has been mentioned in the newspaper advertisement

Working Hours

There shall be 8 working hours






Not specified in the newspaper advertisement. As per advertiser



Date of Post

Date: February 27, 2024

Final Date of Application

The final date of application shall be first March 2024. Therefore apply will be for the final date of application

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