Grade Increment Look up

Find the date of Retirement

Find out the date of your retirement based on your birth date and preferred retirement age.

CNIC Detail Finder

Now enter any CNIC number and find the detail of its Province, Division, City and Gender of the card holder just in one click

Calculation of Pay Fixation / Refixation Option

If you've been promoted to the next grade, make sure to use our Pay Fixation Calculator to quickly calculate your new pay with just one click, eliminating the need for lengthy calculations. We also provide you with the pay fixation formula for your reference.

Salary & Pay scales

Services for Employees

All-in-one Pension Calculators (Updated)

For old pensioners after 1st Jan, 2025

Use this all-in-one pension calculator if you are retiring after January 1, 2025. Please select the relevant government option to calculate your pension. If you are an employee of the Federal Government or the Balochistan Government, choose the '24 months' average' option. Employees from Punjab should select the '3 years' average' option. Employees from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Sindh should directly choose the option corresponding to their respective government.

Separate Calculators

You can use seperate pension calculators here

Your income is taxable or not

If you are businessman or a salaried person and you want to find our whether your income is taxable or not in the tax year 2024. Use taxable income calculator below.

Income tax Calculators (Salaried class)

If you draw your annual income from salary then you have to use these calculators.

Income tax Calculators (Business class)
For those people who draw their annual income from business. This is known as Individual, Association of Persons & Company ( Ind, AOP, Coy) Choose your relevant calculator.
Time Calculator

Instant time calculator

Calculate time duration you need to put in your ACRs (PERs) or other important forms. Calculate time in Days, Months and Years.

Salary / Pension on Email

If you want to receive your salary slip every month on your email please click on the following button